A deeply transformational experience for
Emotional Generators, Projectors,
and Manifestors.

Only an Emotional Being can understand the depths and complexities of being emotional. This is why it’s a pleasure to welcome and guide you into Embracing Emotionality; where you’ll learn about the most advanced awareness center in design, become aware of its intricacies, and learn how to synch up with its very unique and very advanced intelligence.

You’ve been navigating a world where you have been taught that success and survival require you to go against your form, to be faster, to be spontaneous, to please others, and to hack your way out of emotional lows. 

This has created an unsustainable way of living for you. It’s led you to disconnect from your built in intelligence system in order to progress yet it’s your built in intelligence system that has the ability to surpass any external intelligence in your field. The caliber of personal and collective advancements your emotional system is capable of contributing is superior to what you’re able to do without it.

This education has been created to empower you in de-conditioning from spontaneity, and show you the beauty of your emotional depth, clarity, and timing. You’ll receive education on foundational and advanced topics while being seen, understood, and empowered to be confident in the depth, clarity, and beauty of your authority.

Each class is concentrated on Integrating the Human Design knowledge specific to the class theme of the day. You can see a list of class themes and topics below. Embracing Emotionality runs on SATURDAY at 12PM PST / 8PM UTC (estimated start time). Start time can fluctuate depending on where I am in my emotional wave.

If you are unable to attend, you will still receive the video and audio of the recording for that week.

EMBRACING EMOTIONALITY includes FOUR 120-minute recorded live group video calls
Hosted by Breyton. Each session includes one hour for discussion and questions. Limited a maximum of 10 beings with emotional authority.

Embracing Emotionality for begins again on June 1st.

I am going to revolutionize the way you view time and movement, the way in which you value depth and truth, and the way you appraise your life force energy. 

As you begin to understand and respect the impact your emotional system has on those around you, you’ll experience the deconditioning process around timing and relationships.

You deserve nothing less than relationships that respect your timing and empower your need to retreat when needed. It’s time to shatter the beliefs that have suppressed your authority and kept you small so that your reality can rearrange itself to align to how you function - and never again, the other way around.

And it will happen - but it starts with no one else but you.

Imagine if…

You are sought out for your integrity and depth of awareness.

Your healthy emotional energy creates bigger impact than consistency.

Your capacity for healthy confrontation creates more movement than action.

You are able to feel empowered within your emotional lows because of your awareness. 

You only have relationships in your field that reinforce and empower your differentiation.

You respect your emotional timing and experience an unimaginable increase in your creative potential. 

Empowering topics
we’ll be covering:

  • Emotional Aura Mechanics

  • Solar Plexus Health & Clarity

  • Emotional & Non-Emotional Partnerships 

  • Navigating Relationship Dynamics

  • Emotional Strategy & Authority by Type

  • Emotional Streams & Circuitry 

  • Emotional Wave Mechanics

  • Form Principle

“The Solar Plexus is a highly advanced part of your bio form. Discerning, refining, and setting standards to have a healthy emotional system and frequency impacts the collective in ways you can’t put a price on.” 


Embracing Emotionality is
for you if you’re ready to…

Embrace your authority, your gifts, and feel confident in your differentiation.

Decondition from spontaneity and the pressure to align with the other’s timing.

Become intimate with your emotional depth and waves.

Befriend truth and confrontation.

Prioritize your emotional health and well-being.

Navigate relationship dynamics in healthier ways.

Feel empowered in your relationships and career.

Feel empowered by your emotional timing.

Understand your unique way of contributing and the impact it has.

Learn how your unique emotional configuration differentiates you from other Emotional Beings.


This 4-week experience is going to provide you with the fundamental pillars you need to become knowledgeable about your emotional system and its differentiated functionality, feel empowered by the energetic impact it contributes to your relationships and career, recognize the advancements it provides you with, and align with how it moves you.

Week One: Emotional Health & Clarity

A healthy emotional frequency requires cellular knowledge. Emotional clarity requires awareness. Your emotional health is your responsibility and when you honor and prioritize your emotional health, it provides you with the intelligence and awareness that’ll lead your life to increase in quality.

Week Two: Emotional Streams & Life Force Channels

No two Emotional Systems are the same. There are different emotional streams and fuel that lead you to have different emotional experiences and patterns. Understanding your emotional streams and fuel will lead you to become more aware of how your life force functions.

Week Three: Nurturing the Emotional System

Your qualities and gifts arise from depth. Becoming intimate with your emotional system and understanding its needs will lead it to decondition and develop into the sophisticated system that it’s naturally here to be.

Week Four: Surrendering to Emotional Authority

While surrendering without educating the passenger may be difficult, the process of surrendering can become more natural with an educated passenger. The knowledge you will receive will align you with and facilitate your process of surrender. There is nothing more knowledgeable, more aware, more advanced for you to trust than your Emotional Authority. When you surrender to what it gives you and how it moves you, you will understand your differentiated way of thriving in this world.

“As an emotional pure individual, all I know is the pulse. The pulse that brings mutation, change, empowerment, and consciousness depends on me honoring my spirit, my solar plexus, and my mood. It takes a lot of trust.”



Are you ready to embrace your Emotional Authority, feel empowered by your emotional timing, and live your signature?

It’s time to receive the education you need in so that you can thrive by embracing your emotionality.

Beginning Saturday, June 1st

Exchange Summary


(taken care of in full or split over 2 payments)

FOUR 120 min group video calls

+ video & audio recordings